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(1 edit)

Things I immediately enjoyed:

  • I like having the visual aid image to contribute to that mental-GPU requirement of text games. gives folks a bit to play off of in their minds while visualizing stuff.
  • the loop of picking up a quest, receiving a blessing, and heading to the dungeon feels good and I like the idea to take a better buff at a higher cost!
  • I dug the information display for the player, it's nice to see character stats without having to do a health check action
  • the action choices box was a nice touch as well, though I do feel new-line separation of options would be helpful
  • overall very much feels you've accomplished the text-based-game feel with some extra helpful visuals, a nice change

General Notes:

  • typing out the whole words can sometimes feel repetitive when walking around a lot and in combat, a shortcut system where you only need the first letter for directions would help '(f)orward/(b)ack/(l)eft/(r)ight/(u)p/(d)own' etc.
  • also it felt like things had a LOT of health first thing, i'd almost rather have less health on player and enemy side to have fights feel more impactful and go a bit faster.
  • found a couple capitalization and misspell issues but that's to be expected , some were kinda early on though.
  • it'd be cool to be able to press up/down on arrow keys to scroll through previous entered text, especially during combat
  • I couldn't destroy or make an offering to a strange altar I found in my first dungeon run, no reasons were given why that I could see, seemed like it just ate the input and didn't respond. i was able to "break" one later but not destroy or pray
  • feels like it takes a decent chunk of time to load between steps of the game, finding ways to optimize that will help out the experience a LOT
  • something about inventory->weapon->equip->picking an item feels odd to me and took a sec to get used to. I'd rather pick an item from a list and then say if i'd equip, discard, etc.

Overall I'd say this is definitely a great start, just keep workin' on it! 😀

Thanks for the feedback. 

  • I do plan on using Numbers instead of the first letter. 
  • I was about to update the game till I saw what you said about the Alter in the dungeon... something like that is weird and I need to look into it.
  • I'm not sure what you mean by "Load between steps of the game" but I think you mean the "wait points" I have in the code. I wanted the player to see change was happening but I did change how long the "wait points" lasted. Hopefully that fixes that.
  • I am planning on removing the discard option. this will allow me to remove "equip" input that is needed to get to your stuff

Again thanks for playing it and giving feedback. Hope you enjoyed it despite the negatives.